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Kylia Baker

JR/YR Rider

Kylia Baker7 year old Oldenburg: Luna Bella

Kylia is a breeder who has a passion for starting and developing young horses. She was a working student at DG Bar where she had the opportunity to work with horses of varying ages and levels. That experience helped her further her knowledge of how to implement the training scale to develop balanced, straight and engaged horses. She and Luna are competing at second level and schooling third level. Kylia would like to improve her position. She tends to tense and raise her shoulders which makes it hard for her to sit deeper for the collection. She would also like to work on some exercises for the simple and flying changes to keep her horse straighter and more on the aids.

Collective comments Work on more confident simple changes. Great work in progress.

Challenges and evasions Luna tends to get tense in the show environment. She gets behind the leg, behind the contact or above the contact while dropping her back. She also leans on outside leg.


California Dressage Society Foothills Chapter 

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