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About the Chapter & Board Members

We are entirely a volunteer run chapter and are always looking for ways to better serve our members through clinics, lectures, workshops, scholarships and other chapter sponsored events.  We welcome new members to Foothills Chapter and also at the Committee and Board level.  If you would like to become a member of the Foothills Chapter of the California Dressage Society, please feel free to contact us, or go to California Dressage Society for a membership application and select Foothills as your chapter.

Directors and Board for CDS Contacts

2025 Foothills Board Members

Ana Gilmour - Chair 
Maureen Lamb - Treasurer 
Patrice Palmaer - Secretary

Committee Leads:

Volunteer Coordinator - open


Junior Representative - Ella Ouettle


Communications Chair - Jennifer Langston


Education Chair - Michele Ng


Scholarship Committee - open

Media Coordinator - Becky Hayes

Hospitality - open


Awards and Donations - Christine Hendricks


Shows & Clinics - open



Chapter Chair
Ana Gilmour

Ana Gilmour is a Grand Prix rider with a training business based in Loomis, California where she works with riders of every level. She is also a USDF certified instructor and USEF ‘r’ judge with a projected graduation to ‘R’ in spring, 2024. She has an education that spans 30 years, including 10 years full time under the watchful eye of Hilda Gurney, 3 years under Olympians Lendon Gray and Courtney King Dye competing in Wellinton, Florida, as well as having worked and trained on four different continents. Ana has served on the Foothills board beginning in 2012 including two seasons as chapter chair 2020-2022.
My goal for the chapter this year is to foster a space where everyone feels included. I am passionate about furthering dressage locally, building relationships and encouraging our riders to become involved in high quality, educational events that lead to a more thorough understanding of our horses and our sport.

Patrice Palmaer 

My name is Patrice Palmaer.  I have been attempting to ride Dressage since I was 26 when I got my first horse; a 17 year-old Polish Arabian.  I’ve owned so many wonderful horses since then; all amazing teachers that led me to where I am now…. Still learning!! 


It is an amazing sport that I have loved as amateur and professional throughout the years. I completed the USDF Instructors’ Certification Training through 4th level as a participant.  I earned my USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold medals as well as completed two different Intermediare I Freestyle on two incredible horses. 


I have been a member of the Foothills Chapter since 1990 and held the Chair position multiple years since then. My dressage goals continue to evolve as I also work full-time as a Vice President in Acute Care Medicine.

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Maureen Lamb

Maureen Lamb earned a USDF gold medal on her beloved Ritello, her competition partner for last 19 years.  She owns Clay Station Ranch in Wilton and believes that the sport of dressage should be about the communication and cooperation of horse and rider.  Through education and the support of the dressage community, riders should improve their relationships with their horses and feel that they are in a partnership. 
"Each of my horses has a unique personality - while they may frustrate me on any given day, they enrich my life and make me want to be a better equestrian every day.   The Foothills Chapter has a history of sponsoring educational events with top clinicians for both competitive and non-competitive riders. This will be a continued focus if I serve on the board."
Before moving to Clay Station Ranch 7 years ago, Maureen was a successful CFO of 2 public companies and several private companies.  She continues to consult for start ups in the Bay Area.  She competes nationally in rowing and is a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for foster youth.  She is married, with 2 sons and now enjoys spending time with her 2 grandsons.  

California Dressage Society Foothills Chapter 

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