Chapter Board Positions
Board Position Descriptions
(Please note that the positions may include duties not listed below)
Hold and attend monthly board meetings, notify Board and prepare agenda
Organize and run annual fundraising schooling and rated show
Organize and attend 2 yearly chapter social events (Awards dinner, summer BBQ and holiday party), and junior social event (summer BBQ)
Organize and attend at least 4 yearly educational opportunities for members including adult amateur and junior clinics
Oversee award ceremonies
Help with fundraising for Chapter
Manage, lead and support the various committees. This may include attending events and meetings
Keep track of volunteer hours
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
Attend annual CDS meeting (may require travel), report on Chapter activities
Store Foothills items and inventory annually
Good knowledge of dressage, regulations, and the governing bodies (CDS, USDF)
Working relationship with trainers, show organizers, chapter chairs, and chapter members
Willing to work closely with CDS board
Good leadership and interpersonal skills
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
Ana Gilmour
Attend, contribute, take notes and vote at monthly board meetings
Prepare minutes from meetings for Board approval and website
Send email communications out to membership on all Chapter events, clinics, shows, keep membership informed on Chapter updates and other communications as requested by Chair
Help organize and attend annual fundraising schooling and rated show
Help organize and attend 2 yearly chapter social events (currently BBQ and holiday party)
Help organize at least 4 yearly educational opportunities for members including adult amateur and junior clinics
Assist with and attend award ceremonies (April & December)
Support the various committees. This may include attending events and meetings
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
Fair knowledge of dressage, regulations, and the governing bodies (CDS, USDF)
Working relationship with trainers, show organizers and chapter chairs
Willing to work closely with CDS board
Good leadership and organizational skills
Familiarity with electronics and social media.
Current Position Holder:
Misty Sheldon
Attend, contribute, and vote at monthly board meetings
Financial management and oversight including reconciling bank statements, and managing cash flow
Keeping detailed records of chapter accounts/funds
Preparing and monitoring an annual budget
Creating and maintaining systems for ensuring the organization’s ongoing solvency and oversee the development of the organization’s financial policies.
Completing required financial reporting forms in a timely manner for the board’s review.
Collecting funds at fundraising events
Issuing reimbursements, scholarships/grants/awards
Support the various committees. This may include attending events
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
Some knowledge of dressage
Knowledge of finances and budgeting
Good knowledge of electronic modalities to receive and distribute funds (paypal, venmo etc)
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
​Bonnie Gilmore​
Foothill Chapter Chair and Committee Positions
Scholarship Committee Chair
Scholarship Committee Member
Volunteer Coordinator
Donations Coordinator
Media Coordinator
Youth Chair/Junior Representative
Nominations Committee
Awards Chair
Hospitality Chair
Rated shows/Clinics Coordinator
Eligibility and Application Process for Committee Positions
Committee Chair positions are 1 year term
After term has been completed, position holder may re-apply for the same position or another position. This allows other members an opportunity to fulfill a position
Committee positions are NOT voted on
Interested applicants can email the board to be considered. The board will then appoint Committee positions
Committee Position Descriptions
(Please note that the positions may include duties not listed below)
Position Title:
Donation Coordinator
Attend 3/12 monthly board meetings
Solicit donations for chapter events including Awards, Holiday party raffle, BBQ raffle, Equinesta and other fundraising events
Store and keep track of all donations (donator, date, event item used for, value of item etc).
Make silent auction sheets
Organize raffles (tickets, provide ticket holder etc)
Send tax donation paperwork
Send thank you cards to all donors
Promote donors through social media, website, and encouraging members to use those vendors.
Support the various committees in their donation needs. This may include attending events
Fair knowledge of dressage, regulations, and the governing bodies (CDS, USDF)
Working relationship with trainers, show organizers, chapter chairs, chapter members and the general public.
Good leadership and interpersonal skills
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
Interim Position Holder
Christine Hendricks​
Position Title:
Media Coordinator
Manage our website and keep information (such as event dates) current
Promote fundraising and educational events through social medial (including facebook and Instagram) as well as email blasts
Create slide shows/videos for our holiday party
Attend events and take photos (or request them from members) to use for social media promotion
Keep track of any necessary photo releases
Support the various committees with their social media requests ad needs. This may include attending events
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
Strong media background
Knowledge of social media programs such as Facebook, Instagram
Knowledge of website design
Current Position Holder:
Becky Hayes
Position Title:
Junior Representative
Attend 6/12 monthly board meetings
Communicate with all juniors and be their voice- this should include ideas for education and dressage development.
Coordinate junior requested events
Help to coordinate junior clinics
Coordinate junior volunteers
Contribute to encouraging a social media presence for junior chapter members (collect photos, make videos etc)
Support the various committees. This may include attending events
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
Attend annual CDS/USDF meeting (may require travel)
Communicate to juniors about scholarship opportunities and encourage participation
Some knowledge of dressage, regulations, and the governing bodies (CDS, USDF)
Social media knowledge
Working relationship with trainers, show organizers and committee members
Willing to work closely with CDS board
Good leadership and interpersonal skills
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
Jouelle Kimura
Position Title:
Volunteer Coordinator
Attend events including chapter show, fundraising events, holiday party etc
Keep a list of volunteers and their hours at each event (provide volunteer sign ups)
Work with scholarship committee to confirm applicant volunteer hours
Solicit and organize volunteers to fulfill each job at chapter events (consider making templates of necessary volunteer duties for each event that we can save, reuse and adjust each year)
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
Good leadership and interpersonal skills
Working relationship with board and chair members
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
Lesa Whetzel
Position Title:
Awards Chair
Attend 6/12 monthly board meetings
Attend and organize awards at fundraising schooling and rated show
Attend and organize awards for awards ceremonies (Holiday party etc)
Support award needs for the various committees. This may include attending events
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
Good knowledge of dressage, regulations, and the governing bodies (CDS, USDF)
Working relationship with trainers, show organizers and committee members
Willing to work closely with CDS board
Good leadership and interpersonal skills
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
Christine Hendricks
Position Title:
Hospitality Coordinator
Attend 6/12 monthly board meetings
Attend and organize food and beverages at all Foothill events including shows, clinics, awards banquets and bbqs.
Support award needs for the various committees.
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
Knowledge of food safety in preparation and distribution
Good leadership and interpersonal skills
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
Kathy Cain
Position Title:
Scholarship Chair
Organize and host scholarship meetings
Develop clear requirements for scholarship eligibility including volunteer hours, volunteer approved events, maximum number of scholarships awarded per person etc
Develop scholarships and requirements for each scholarship
Keep track of chapter funds and fundraising to determine award amounts and number of available awards.
Release scholarship open and closing deadlines
Review applications with chair and agree on recipients recommendations (majority vote).
Send recipient recommendations to board for approval
Make and print certificates for recipients and present them
Receive, approve and keep track of reimbursements with treasurer
Support award needs for the various committees. This may include attending events
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
No knowledge of dressage, regulations, and the governing bodies (CDS, USDF)
Working relationship with trainers, show organizers and committee members
Willing to work closely with CDS board
Good leadership and interpersonal skills
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
Anna Zablah & Misty Sheldon
Position Title:
Scholarship Committee Members
Attend ¾ scholarship meetings
Aid in fundraising for scholarships
Aid in organization and development of scholarships, rules, eligibility, requirements etc
Meet to go through scholarships and make recommendations on recipients.
Support award needs for the various committees. This may include attending events
Aid in making certificates, scholarship packets
Aid in promoting available scholarships
Promote our chapter and the sport of dressage
Good leadership and interpersonal skills
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
Michelle, Misty, Anna, Laura, Karen
Position Title:
Nomination Committee
Collect nominations for elections
Get written approval from nominees
Receive and count ballots
Announce election results at end of year party
Good leadership and interpersonal skills
Organization, honesty, integrity
Current Position Holder:
Anjolie Daryani, Laura Culver, Kathy Cain
Position Title:
Rated Shows/Clinics Coordinator
Organize yearly clinics
Organize yearly shows
Strong knowledge of dressage
Good relationship with CDS and Foothill Board
Current Position Holder:
Mari Naten